Frequently Asked Questions

I'm nervous and I'm not sure therapy is worth it. Should I still contact you?

Yes. It's common to have anxieties and doubts surrounding pursuing psychotherapy. I've found that many of my clients have trouble prioritizing this sort of care and they wonder if it is a luxury. What many report is that after beginning therapy, they realize it was actually a necessity all along and it enlivens them as well as their loved ones. I am happy to discuss your concerns and doubts with you in a brief, free phone consultation.

I want to receive services but I'm not sure I can afford your rate. Is that a dealbreaker?

Not necessarily. I totally get that therapy is expensive and that finances can be a barrier. I offer one reduced-rate slot per week. Call or email me and we can discuss a way to make this work.

Why don't you take insurance?

After working in large community mental health agencies for several years I began to notice that much of the work I did was dictated by insurance companies. It limited the quality of care I could provide. I don't take insurance because I want to make sure I can provide the quality of care I'd like to. It also allows me to collaborate with others and provide more holistic and multi-faceted care.

Do you work with dads?

Yes! I work with men and women surrounding the transition into parenthood. Dads go through a process of transition just like moms and I care just as much about supporting them in this.

Can I bring my newborn with me to the session?

Yes. Babies in arms are welcome here.

Do you offer online sessions?

Yes! I know how hard it is to travel with a baby. I work with individuals and couples remotely as well as in person. Contact me for more details.

Where is your office?

My office is located in the Executive Offices at the historic Gibson Mill building in Concord. If you are facing the Gibson Mill, the executive offices are on the far right.